GCVote is experiencing technological difficulties and does not always work correctly!

I'm working on fixing it, but that may take some time.

GCVote Help

Rating caches

Like previously said in the installation page, you can use GCVote only to look at cache ratings, but if you want to really participate and add your own experience and ratings, you will need to get in touch with me, Guido, and tell me a password you would like to use to rate caches.  You will be able to change that password yourself later.

Log in at www.geocaching.com and use the Find another player link on the right and look for user BonnerGuido (or simply click here). Then send me a message with your preferred GCVote password.

IMPORTANT:  THIS password has to be UNIQUE, I do NOT want your geocaching.com account password. Please note that the password is CaSe SeNsItIvE.

REMEMBER: Rating a cache is always anonymous, unless you choose to disclose it using the optional Template box in the Configuration panel.

Once you have received my confirmation mail, you need to enter your password in GCVote's Configuration box in the geocaching.com sidebar.


GCVote Configuration panel

The configuration box is located in your profile page between your informations and the Stat Bar.

List my votes: this will query the database and display all the votes you have made.

Change password: self-explanatory, this is where you can easily change your password.

Template: will paste the text you want at the end of a "found it" log only when you press the "Insert GCVote Info" button. %%% will be replaced by your vote value. You have many options here.  You may want to tell you have added a rating on a cache using GCVote without telling the rating.  In this case you would use: 'I gave this cache a rating using [GCVote](http://www.gcvote.com)'

Minimum vote count: instruct GCVote to display rating of a cache only when that minimum vote count is reached.

Average calculation:

half star: enable 1½, 2½, 3½ and 4½ rating.

sorted sidebar: sort caches on the map page according to their ratings.

compact layout: also called the expert mode, remove some text to improve layout on compact screens.

hide on long lists: deactivates GCVote on pages that could contain a very large number of caches.

bar-graph statistics: displays the distribution of votes as a bar-graph instead of just numbers.

enable logging: writes additional debugging data to the error log.



If an update become available for GCVote, a red update note will be displayed in the GCVote's Configuration box.